Happily Ever After

"Oneday, I'll sit in the same seat, at the most beautiful and majestic place where have the largest and most magnificent weddings  with my elected male there "~Firza~

Everybody knows happiness will be obtained when the time comes. A WEDDING. Great day, everyone smile at 'em when seeing 'em happy in love. Promised to get together for a lifetime. Happily ever after. Oneday, I'll get that happiness.

Yesterday Sunday, my beloved brother all at once my old friend had been wed with his loved person. SHE!!. How lucky she is. Simple wedding, but full of meaning. Every word was locked and my mouth hard to say anything. I'm arrived there with another friend. Bagus, Rezky, Rendy, without Gugus. Not bad, but he feel sad coz his friend wasn't all can come to his wedding party. We feel the same with him.

At the time we've met together and perpetuated our picture. With smile and much laughter.
Her mom say to me "Terimakasih udah dateng yaah, semoga cepet-cepet nyusul nikah" .
"Amin tanteee" 

With the accompaniment of laughter behind me (Bagus, Ega, Rendy). WHAT??? Married?. Hmmmhh. Not the right time for me to get married. Lecture not yet complete, the task to meet the wishes of my parents haven't been fulfilled, pracisely the MAN. Who's the right man? HAHAHA.

Instantly remembered with a joke that we (me & Rizky) make. About weddings day, married, children, anything. We talk about something silly. 
"Ntar kalo nikah gausah pake kebaya-kebayaan yaah. Gue udah bilang sama mamah kalo nikah dress code nya celana jeans sama kaos oblong!!!"
So weird. I answered as well "Mmmm, tapi mas kawinnya Grand Piano yaaah? teruuuus guest singing nya Michael Buble!" Wahahhahah. It was the worst utopian I've ever made before.
"Yeeee mampus dong gue kalo mas kawinnya Grand Piano mah, mending gue beli Lensa SLR buat gue. Mas kawinnya alat buat Lukis ajah ya aaay?"
"Boleeeh, tapi seperangkat yaaaah hahaha"
"Stress lo aaay"
"Lo juga woo"
"sini gue jitak" With his pride he MENJITAK my head. Rizky you're so impudent!
Anything else with our discussed? Isn't a strange and already commonplace in the age we discuss the wedding, it's only a mere fad.

"Beeeeng kalo punya anak pengen laki-laki aja aaah!!"
"ga mau aaah cowo ribet ay, ntar udah gedenya songong"
"Gimana bapanya aja kalo ntar anaknya ntar bandel! kan cerminan orang tuanya juga hahaha"
"Sial lo ay, jangan doong dulu kan gue bandel. Cewe aja ah"
"Iiiih cewe mah ribeeet, belom bajunya, dandannya, salonnya, kebutuhan wanita kalo udah besar ribet, perawatannya. Ih lo mah kan ga ngalamin jadi cewe aay!!"
"yaudah sepasang aja, cewe cowo ay, kan adil tuh"
Our conversation seemed to agree and approve of our relationship. Go with it. Be calm. Hahhahahahah

Okay, back to the marriage. He's a young man. There's nothing wrong with a young married as long as he has sufficient income to support his children, his wife and his family later. These days many burghers who tell negatively about the Young marriage. After all, if they're both in love and promised together a life time with one word, all will be fine.

I wondered, looking at the shadow of my husband. "Darling, when we'll get married?" HAHA

"Congratulation sahabat gue tersayaaang. Semoga cepet tua. Cepet punya anak dan cucu. Cepet nulerin gue nyusul nikah . LHO?"

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